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Some useless, random facts about me.

If you want the official biog and CV, please click my CV page, and all shall be revealed, or click here to see my Spotlight page.



I have a filthy laugh. As a teenager, my Dad told me I should try and modify it, as it wasn't very 'ladylike'. I didn't. You can hear it for yourself if you come to a gig!


I love Martinis. I used to like Espresso ones, but I find that after 5 or 6, I can't sleep. It's like someone has turned all the lights off in the house bar one, and you can't find that one. So now I have fruit ones.


I was raised a Catholic. Suffice to say I'm lapsed. Much to my mother's dismay. But she's away with the fairies anyhow. You probably think I'm joking. I'm not. She once commissioned a painting with me flying through the air, in my graduation outfit, whilst holding our dead miniature poodle. You don't believe me? Here:


​I like macaroons. Especially in Paris. And Chocolate with Sea Salt. Whoever invented that combo should be knighted.


I used to be quite wayward in my 20's. I've now settled down with a Darcy lookalike called Bob. He'll say he bears no resemblance to the fictonal character, or to Colin Firth. But Bob did get in the hotel pool in his white shirt to try and recreate the P&P moment for me. That's love. We recently had a baby boy called Hector and he is totally brilliant and absolutely knackering. ​


I love good food and Diptyque candles. I love hotels. Fuck off hotels. I have a pile of Conde Nast Magazines almost as tall as me. They are my porn. In a previous life, I think I must have been a hotel/hotel spa reviewer. 


I'm a feminist. I dislike injustice. These things have become stronger as I've got older.


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